Youth who identify as LGBTQ+, an umbrella acronym that encompasses different sexual orientations and gender identities, face a heightened risk for substance use because of the stigma and discrimination they often experience.

You can help protect your LGBTQ+ child from substance use by being supportive of their identity, offering unconditional love and support, and responding quickly and effectively if your child shows signs of risk. In fact, study after study has shown that your efforts can significantly decrease an LGBTQ+ teen’s likelihood of substance use and improve their mental health.

Partnership to End Addiction has compiled a set of resources for parents and families to serve as a guide to affirming and protecting their LGBTQ+ loved ones and to finding help if needed.

Join Our Online Support Community

On the first Wednesday of every month at 11amET, peer parent coaches host an online support meeting for parents and caregivers with LGBTQ+ children of any age who are struggling with substance use.
These meetings are designed to share insights, offer support, provide education and resources to help navigate this journey with guidance and hope for healing.